Pinturas de Paisajes de Antigua
A series of watercolor paintings from my time as an artist-in-residence with Gracia in Antigua, Guatemala.
The painting of a landscape visualizes a portrait of nature or a place that motivates the artist. Landscapes should be felt, lived, and examined thoroughly. Most of the scenes that I photographed as references for each of these paintings were filled with people and cars, as Antigua is a city that is full of movement. However, I wanted to focus solely on the general presence, structure, and colors of the landscapes.

I originally brought watercolors with me because I thought that they would be the easiest medium to travel with. However, I realized that bringing them worked in my favor because the nature of the medium captures the textures, colors, and feel of the city and its architecture so well.

Looking back, there's a connection between my lack of comfort with watercolors (as I usually use oils) and my anxiety of being alone in a new country for the first time. I can visually see that as my confidence in myself and my surroundings increases, so did my confidence in the medium.

Some of the photographs that I took for references. See if you can identify their respective paintings above!